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Tno Diana Download Crack 12

the third aspect to be considered is the use of embedded steel bars in the concrete interface. the steel bars were inserted into the concrete by means of a dowel action. in this way, a cracked concrete interface was created, which is the case of the experiments of mansur et al. ( 2008 ) and mattock ( 1976 ). the steel bars were later pulled out to perform the vs and sw tests.

Tno Diana Download Crack 12


this section provides an introduction to the numerical method used in the fem for the analysis of the shear response of the concrete-concrete interfaces considered in the present paper. the basic structure of the models is illustrated in fig. 7, while fig. 8 shows a schematic representation of the interface crack. the symbols used in the present study are listed in table 4.

two concrete-concrete interface crack models were established. the first is the usual two-dimensional axisymmetric crack in both concrete, while the second is a three-dimensional axisymmetric crack with the same geometry in both concrete. the first crack is created by a 0.3 mm displacement of concrete 1, while the second by a 0.3 mm displacement of concrete 2. the shear response of the interface is obtained by increasing the displacements of the bars (1 or 2) in concrete 1 and the response of the interface is obtained by the displacement of the bars (3 or 4) in concrete 2. the cracks are located at the same height (a=0.3mm), while the interface debonding length is varied to explore the effects of the interface crack depth on the overall shear response of the interface.

the development of the two models is illustrated in fig. 9 for the typical cases in which the interface crack depth is 0.1 mm, 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm. the numerical model adopted to study interface crack and bond behaviour is based on the interface crack model developed by marti et al. ( 1998 ), which was adapted to the debonding analysis by pons and marti ( 1999 ). this approach is illustrated in fig. 10. the models have two parts: interface crack and debonding. the interface crack comprises an elongated crack, which is the interface crack. the debonding is the part of the interface crack in which the bond is destroyed. the debonding length is found by considering the stress concentration factors (scf) in the interface crack section and taking into account the debonding length for the parameters used in the numerical model. the boundary conditions for the interface crack and debonding are illustrated in fig. 10 and, for the case of a flexural crack in concrete 1, are listed in table 5.


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